Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

成功从这里开始PK3至8th 年级


"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."


As our students enter first through fifth grade, 我们教一个富人, 通过适合年龄的课程和活动,提供有意义和平衡的技能和信息课程. 在这段时间里,学生们继续发展,为阅读打下更坚实的基础, 写作, 数学 和 our Catholic Faith.

Teaching the whole child is emphasized -- physically, 精神上, 精神上, 在情感上 和 academically.

随着学生的成长,我们鼓励他们为自己的学习负责. Organizational, time management 和 good study skills empower our students. 我们鼓励他们负起责任,努力像耶稣那样生活、爱和行动.

Exciting 小学 Experiences

我们的初级课程让学生走上终身热爱学习的道路. The curriculum encourages curiosity, 激发孩子的思考能力,培养孩子的自信心.

We believe excellence is achieved by setting high st和ards, providing appropriate instructional methods 和 monitoring achievement. 我们的老师使用差异化的教学技术,让每个学生都能充分发挥他们的潜力.

As children progress through the elementary grades, our teaching approach transitions from directed to guided learning, reflecting the changing developmental needs of our students. Students become more responsible for their own work 和 actions. They are encouraged to explore, question 和 advocate for themselves.

Our goal is to provide each student with an outst和ing, content-rich academic curriculum, enlivened by the values of the Catholic faith.



The spiritual development of our students is central to our school’s mission.

在小学阶段, teachers focus on developing a relationship with God, the foundations of the Catholic faith, 早期的圣礼. Prayer 和 the teachings of the 教堂 are woven throughout each day. 学生们每周参加弥撒,并参加祈祷,包括祈祷玫瑰经, stations of the cross 和 adoration.

Our K-5th grade religion curriculum incorporates Catholic doctrine, 圣经的主题, 社会正义, 服务, family life 和 community prayer. 二年级的学生们在教室里为和解和第一次圣餐做准备. All elementary students participate in 服务 projects.


科学 education helps students underst和 the workings of the natural world. We teach students science concepts through a combination of h和s-on exploration, 基于技术的学习, 以及科学探究. 我们强调,科学是一种调查、庆祝和关心上帝创造的方式.

在我们的小学阶段, 我们的科学课程在学生学习收集数据时向他们介绍科学方法, analyze results 和 reach conclusions. Through the course of their elementary years at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School, students will study physical, 生命与地球科学. Some areas of study include the solar system, 身体系统, 树叶和植物, 生命周期, 简单的机器, 平衡和运动, 事, 空气和天气, 地质与昆虫.

Older elementary students complete science research projects, 写报告, 做口头报告,并有机会在课堂上参与STREAM项目. 我们的基础科学课程通过提高学生的好奇心和培养他们的探究能力,为每个学生进入中学做好准备, 分析和解释.


该课程旨在通过掌握基本的数学技能和概念来培养学生的数学能力. 通过调查, 分析, 批判性思维, collaboration 和 use of technology, our students become effective problem solvers. 培养学生有效沟通他们对数学技能理解的能力, 概念和过程.

我们的数学课程基于传统的方法,为学生在成长过程中理解更复杂的概念提供了坚实的基础. 我们专注于每个年级的基本概念,以建立数学流畅性和对主要数学思想的深入理解.

Our elementary students explore mathematical processes, number operations 和 relationships, 几何, 测量, statistics 和 probability 和 algebraic relationships. Our teachers use a wide variety of tools, 通过动手活动和日常练习,培养学生的数感和数学心理技能,确保学生为中学数学做好准备.


社会研究教育使学生通过对历史社会科学的探索,更好地了解他们周围的世界, 地理位置, 经济学, 文化与政府. 我们的社会研究课程旨在帮助学生获得知识和技能,成为多元文化中的知情公民, democratic society in an interdependent world.

在小学阶段, our social studies curriculum includes an introduction to history, 地理位置, 经济学, 地理位置, 公民与政府. Some areas of study include neighborhoods, 城市/城镇, 州, 国家和大洲, 位置方面, 地图和地球仪技能, 著名的历史美国人, 时间线, 能源, 运输, 沟通, 货币与银行业, 商品和服务. 四年级的社会研究课程强调佛罗里达研究的这些领域.

We emphasize the connections among the peoples 和 nations of the world, teach an appreciation 和 respect for diversity, 和 demonstrate ways to practice good citizenship. 我们帮助学生了解他们作为美国公民和上帝的孩子在世界上的地位.



我们小学阶段的语言艺术课程的目标是确保每个学生在音素意识上有一个坚实的基础, 理解, 语法, 写作, 词汇和拼写. We work with our students to develop strong reading, 写作 和 speaking skills in order for them to be effective communicators.

In our lower elementary grades (1st - 2nd), 我们利用一个阅读项目,将强大的自然拼读基础与丰富的文学经验相结合, providing a balanced approach to reading 和 language arts. 语法、标点、书写和拼写课程都包含在阅读系列中. 通过互动式写作活动介绍写作过程,学生学习词汇选择等写作特征, organization 和 conventions. Teachers instruct h和写作 using the Zaner-Bloser method.

As our 3rd through 5th graders continue to develop their reading skills, they are challenged to become more active, 思考的读者. Our reading series grows with them 和 embeds phonics, 写作技巧, 研究策略, spelling 和 语法 into the curriculum. We continue to teach 写作 as a process 和 students further hone their skills. Students learn to write clearly 和 effectively, to share information 和 knowledge, 影响和说服, 创造和娱乐.

学生们获得了收集他们的想法并在一群人面前展示的经验. 卢尔德夫人教区学校的小学生学习自信地交流, 清晰, 创造力和能力. 从二年级开始向草书过渡,并在随后的年级中得到加强. 我们的高年级小学生学习研究和探究方法,老师介绍笔记和信息组织,帮助他们为升入中学做准备.


Enriching Minds, Inspiring Creativity 和 Developing Talent

In addition to the core curriculum, students at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School enjoy a variety of specialty
subjects designed to complement 和 enrich their overall academic experience.


All students receive weekly instruction in Spanish. 西班牙语课程采用与年龄相适应的创造性活动, interesting 和 engaging classroom environment.

K - 5年级的学生每周访问一次西班牙语教室,重点学习口语的基本语言技能, 听, 理解, 阅读和写作.

Students in grades 6 - 8th receive Spanish instruction twice per week, further deepening their knowledge. 通过实践活动, 歌曲, 游戏和项目, students acquire both linguistic skills 和 a greater cultural awareness.


视觉艺术教育对创造性表达的发展很重要. 透过视觉艺术的学习,培养学生的创造力和自信心. 我们的视觉艺术课程为学生提供审美体验,并建立对各种文化的理解和欣赏.

Students in grades K - 8th meet weekly with our art teacher in the Art Suite. Students are instructed in Art history, 画, 绘画, 和 sculpture work as well as a variety of other methods 和 media. They are encouraged to create their own works of beauty 和 individuality.


Music education is an essential component of a child’s education. Through music, students develop creativity, imagination 和 expression. 音乐课程向学生介绍广泛的文化意识和对艺术的更深层次的欣赏,同时发展终身技能.

PK3 - 8年级的学生每周在音乐套房参加音乐课程. Our focus is on developing young singing voices, 学习音乐技巧, 欣赏音乐, 分享音乐天赋. 小学 students work on learning rhythm, reading notes 和 a mastery of repertoire of age-appropriate 歌曲.


我们的体育课程旨在培养必要的技能和经验,使学生在身体上受益, 在情感上, 社会, 和精神上. By fostering physical fitness, 团队合作, 和 healthy lifestyle choices students establish a positive self-concept.

班前3至8年级的小学生每周在我们的户外运动设施享受体育课. 通过有趣的, 健康和公平竞争, our students develop eye-h和 coordination, 基本力量, 平衡和敏捷. They learn the skills 和 rules related to a variety of sports. The elements of improving personal skill level, 支持队友, respecting opponents 和 the quality of sportsmanship are stressed.